Terms and Conditions

MC and Manor Courses
- Both ‘Manor Courses’ and ‘MC’ refer to the services of the company Manor Courses Ltd.
- Sometimes ‘we’, ‘us’ or ‘our’ refers to MC / Manor Courses.
- Manor Courses’ obligations to you are as stated in this agreement.
- Our Courses take place at Hurst College. In certain circumstances we may move campus temporarily.
Parents/Guardians, Students, ‘Parties’
- Generally ‘you’ or ‘your’ refers to the parents/guardians who enrol the student.
- Sometimes ‘you’ or ‘your’ also refers to the student (for example, when we explain the rules in section 16).
- In circumstances where the student is also an adult, the reference to ‘parents/guardians’ and to ‘student’ refers to the same person, and thus the student/adult is expected to follow both obligations.
- ‘Parties’ means both MC and parents/guardians.
These Terms & Conditions, This Agreement, or Contract
- This agreement represents the entire agreement and understanding of the parties and supersedes all prior agreements, whether written or oral.
- This agreement may only be altered or amended in writing by both parties.
- Please note that nothing in these Terms and Conditions affects your statutory rights under English law.
- This agreement is also referred to as a contract. A contract is entered into when a costumer makes a purchase from MC, so will be formed once some payment is made. These Terms & Conditions indicate the clauses of the contract.
Direct Enrolments
- This is important information regarding students who enrol directly on our Residential English Language Courses.
- These are the Terms and Conditions of our Summer School services, unless you and the directors of Manor Courses (MC) have agreed something different in an agent’s agreement/contract.
- For students who enrol via an agency, these Terms and Conditions refer to only part of their purchase, the Course with MC. Their main purchase is their Agent’s product, and will include other services. The Agent may provide different information to the below, and may provide it in a language other than English.
Different Courses
- The 2 other Courses we provide (i.e. Performing Arts Course, Family Course) are identified within some clauses when they either have different or extra Terms and Conditions, or when Terms and Conditions are not relevant.
- Students enrolled on one of these Courses, and their parents/guardians, should take note of any identified information.
- Our Courses may take place at another campus if required.
They were updated on Feb 4th 2025. Read or download them below. Ensure you read before Enrolling and signing Consent Forms.
Download Manor Courses Terms and Conditions.
Please read the Terms and Conditions below and download to keep them on file or print them.
- Services
- Notes about the above Services
- Visas, Immigration, Customs
- Insurance Included for Students who enrol directly
- Cancellation & Refunds for Students who enrol directly
- Valuables, Bank, Lost Property, Theft & Personal Items
- Health, Medical & Doctor
- Traffic Safety
- ‘Organised’ Activity Sessions & ‘Restricted’ Free-Time – Policy & Procedures
- Off-Campus Permission
- Attendance & Absences in Lessons – Policy & Procedures
- Arriving at Hurst – London Airports & Transfers to College
- Departing Hurst – Return Journey & Transfers to Airport
- Student Photos / Video & Social Media Policy & Copyright
- Personal Information & Data Protection
- Rules & Conduct
- Discipline
- Complaints Procedure
- Alternative Dispute Resolution
- Other Extra Services for Students who Enrol Directly
- Other Important Terms
- Model Cancellation Form
Manor Courses will provide a Residential English Language Course at our Summer School at the Hurst College campus. This Residential English Language Course will include:
Welfare =
…Accommodation at Hurst College (single, double, triple, quad rooms or dormitories);
…Full-board (3 meals per day, 2 refreshment breaks per day when we are on campus actions). On an arriving or departing day – students will not get 3 meals each day – for example, if they get lunch and dinner on their arrival, they will only get breakfast on their departure day – other meals can be provided at an extra cost;
…Supervision, Support, Security, First Aid;
Excursions =
…1 full-day Excursion & 1 half-day Excursion per week (each Excursion includes a tourist attraction or a tour guide, students may want to pay for entrance to other key attractions);
English =
…General English lessons (18 hours per week);
Activities =
…Activity sessions (90 minute sessions in the afternoons and evenings).
Regarding our Other Courses offered some summers (none of these are offered in 2025 except for the Parent / Family Course)
Manor Courses may also provide a Residential Performing Arts Course at our Summer School at the Hurst College campus:
English is replaced with a syllabus of sessions relevant to the students’ Activities.
Manor Courses may also provide a Family Course at our Summer School, with accommodation either at the Hurst College campus or at a local guest house:
English is an optional extra and will be Private Tuition. Activities are limited in choice for adults and younger students.
Notes about the above Services
The below refers to the Residential English Language Course.
See our website www.manorcourses.co.uk to see more details for our Residential English Language Course’s lessons, Welfare provision, Excursions and Activities.
All reasonable care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of statements in our promotional materials. However, this information has been translated into various languages and interpreted by our agents, therefore differences may arise. Parents/Guardians should notify us of any inaccuracies.
To offer the below services to the highest standards we require students to always carry the ID card we give them at check-in.
Safety and security notes about our Activities sessions:
Students must register their name with their group.
Students aged 13 years and older should join an organised Activity and stay for the full session – this is optional. They can have restricted Free-Time if they choose not to join or stay with the Activity staff. They can only do this 1 session per day. They will not be directly supervised.
Students aged 12 years and younger must join an organised Activity and stay for the full session with the Activity staff until the end – this is compulsory.
There are different options and finishing times for older students (15 years and older) to attend a few evenings per week. Details will be provided to older students during the course.
Care and support notes about our Welfare systems:
The Directors, First Aiders, and other staff, will act as the ‘Guardian’ of each student and will provide appropriate care when a student appears to be, or is diagnosed as, suffering from any physical, health, medical or emotional problems. They may take action or decisions they consider appropriate in the circumstances.
There will be short periods when students are not supervised (between Lessons and Activity sessions, and before or after they finish their meals). Staff do supervise the houses and patrol the campus, but students will not be directly supervised.
Students aged under 8 may enrol with a group of older students. Adult students (parents or older siblings) who enrol with their family members will be accommodated in separate staff accommodation or off-campus. Adults’ accommodation on-campus is subject to police checks supplied from their home country.
Safety and security notes about our Excursions:
The excursions’ focus is on tourism and leisure, seeing culture and relaxing. Students can go shopping.
Staff will give students unsupervised Free-Time for shopping in approximately 1 hour periods. They will give students rules to follow and ID, maps and phone numbers to carry. Staff will show them on a map where they can find a staff member waiting for them if they have problems.
Students aged 12 years and younger will not get unsupervised Free-Time for shopping. Staff will stay with them.
Lesson and syllabus notes about our English course:
Our general English course consists of an average of 4 Communication lessons and 4 Language lessons per week, plus 1 each of an Introduction, Explore, Activity and Review lesson per week. Some weeks the balance of lesson types may differ to this.
Our youngest students follow a syllabus with a wider range of lesson contents, for shorter periods.
Any Private Tuition will be different to the above.
We try to limit a maximum of 17 students per class, but this may be exceeded in instances when there is no alternative class for a student’s level, or a teacher is unavoidably absent, and will not exceed by more than 1 extra student for a one week period.
We try to provide classes for all levels but for some periods a student may be placed in a higher or lower level class until a space is available at the appropriate level.
Students leaving at the end of week 1 (Thurs 11th July 2019) or week 4 (Thurs 1st Aug 2019) will only receive their full 18 hours for that week if they depart the College in the afternoon and attend lessons on that morning.
Visas, Immigration, Customs
Students from some countries require Visas to come to the UK to study at the Summer School.
Parents/Guardians must check if the student requires a Visa before enrolling.
Usually they will require this category: Short Term Study Visa (Child).
Parents/Guardians must comply with the immigration requirements of the United Kingdom and parents/guardians must ensure that they adhere to the applicable travel regulations, health restrictions and import and export regulations of the United Kingdom.
Parents/Guardians must ensure that all passports, permits or visas used by students when travelling, are up-to-date.
Student Insurance Policy Included for Students who enrol directly
All students must have insurance.
Manor Courses provide every student who enrols directly by email, post or online with a Student Insurance Policy after we receive the Deposit (or full Fees if you pay in one transaction).
More details are available upon request.
Students will not be insured against visa refusals.
Parents/Guardians are responsible for checking that their insurance, either the Policy we supply, or any other Policy they buy, is adequate to meet their child’s individual needs.
Students are responsible for any damage caused to property of other students during the stay. It is the obligation of the parents/guardians to ensure that any damage to third party property is insured by their Policy.
Students enrolling via an agency do not get this Student Insurance Policy from MC.
Cancellation & Refunds for Students who enrol directly
Refunds by Manor Courses within 14 days:
We only offer a 100% Refund for Cancellations you make within 14 days of paying the Deposit.
If you cancel less than 14 days after we receive your Deposit you will get 100% of your payment back (including full Fees if you paid the Deposit and Balance together).
We cannot Refund anything if you cancel more than 14 days after we receive the Deposit.
All Cancellations and Refund requests must be in writing.
Where you are cancelling within 14 days, you should use the Model Cancellation Form at the end of these Terms and Conditions.
Cover by Insurance:
The Student Insurance Policy provided by (which we provide for students after Enrolment) can cover students against various circumstances. Please request further details.
You can use this 15 days after we receive the Deposit. If you paid the full Fees you might get 100% of your payment and other expenses back.
However, the Student Insurance Policy does not cover Cancellation if your Visa is refused.
Cancellations due to Visa refusal:
If a Visa application is rejected and Manor Courses are given written evidence, we will give some Refund.
We will retain £300 as an Administration Charge instead of the £500 Deposit. Then we will refund the Balance.
This can be any period after the Enrolment, it is not restricted to 14 days.
Cancellation by Manor Courses:
We reserve the right to postpone or cancel Courses if there are insufficient students enrolled, or for other relevant unavoidable reasons.
If this occurs, we will first of all endeavour to offer a Course on different dates or an alternative Course.
If we are not able to arrange another Course, we will offer you a full Refund if we cancel before the Course begins.
Valuables, Bank, Lost Property, Theft & Personal Items
We do recommend students bring some ‘pocket money’ for spending on-campus and when on Excursions.
We recommend not bringing expensive items, including clothes, that are at risk of theft, or irreplaceable if lost, or that have sentimental value.
Students do not receive a key to their room because this compromises safety.
We advise students to lock valuable items in their suitcases or in the Office.
MC cannot accept responsibility for items left unattended, lost, damaged or stolen.
Lost/missing items of laundry are resolved between the student and their House Manager in the houses.
If MC or Hurst staff find any items left on campus, they will be kept in the Office.
If students lose anything, they must report it to the Office. Parents can do this for them by phone or email.
Students should return later the next day to ask if it has been found.
If MC cannot find items while the student is at Hurst, after they return home we will endeavour to find them within 1 week.
At the Office we provide a number to phone the police if an item is believed stolen. This will get a crime reference number. Students/Parents/Guardians/Group Leaders/Agents can use this when/if you want to claim on insurance when you return home.
We may be able watch CCTV from corridors and building entrances/exits, to check intruders entering rooms, but cannot check inside rooms.
We will punish anyone if found stealing items, according to our ‘Rules & Conduct’ and ‘Discipline’ policies.
Health, Medical & Doctor
Students should all have Travel Insurance.
EU students should also bring a European Health Insurance Card (EHIC).
Parents / Guardians should advise the directors about any physical or mental health conditions or special learning needs the student has.
We give this information to First Aiders, Welfare Manager, House Managers and the Security team.
We may also give it to the student’s English Teacher and Activity Leaders, especially when they go on excursions.
If students come into contact with any infectious diseases within one month of attending Hurst College, Parents / Guardians must tell the Directors.
There are some rules and procedures when a First Aider is requested by us to see an absent or ill student. This may not be necessary for adult students or younger children that accompany their parents.
Welfare and emotional / behavioural issues –
We have an experienced specialist Welfare Manager to deal with emotional and behavioural issues.
On-campus MC First Aid and help with medicines –
We have a medical department operated by 2 trained First Aiders and providing students with free basic medicines, remedies and first response emergency supplies. There is no charge for these.
First Aiders can also help administer and keep medicines that students bring to Hurst.
First Aiders may occasionally administer non-prescribed medicines, such as cold/flu medicines, allergy tablets, painkillers (e.g. Paracetamol). This will only happen if the student agrees. If parents/guardians disagree they must inform the Directors. First Aiders will keep records of all medicine they give.
Off-campus (non MC) services – Doctors/Hospitals –
Some EU students aged 15 years and younger visit the doctor/hospital free and usually get free medicines.
Some EU students aged 16 years and older visit the doctor/hospital free but must pay for medicines.
Other non-EU students visit the doctor/hospital free but must pay for medicines.
All students must have insurance. They can claim money back when they return home.
All students must pay for any taxi fares.
We can lend students the money for the costs and Invoice Parents / Guardians afterwards.
Traffic Safety
In the UK cars drive on the left of the road.
Manor Courses give students some information about crossing roads safely in UK in English.
Parents / Guardians should also advise students to follow all traffic safety advice given by Manor Courses.
‘Organised’ Activity Sessions & ‘Restricted’ Free-Time – Policy & Procedures
Parents / Guardians who disagree with any of the below must inform the Directors in writing, for example, if they want a student to join an ‘organised’ Activity in all sessions, or if they want a student to have more ‘restricted’ Free-Time.
What are ‘Organised’ Activity sessions?
Activity Staff lead and supervise sessions during the afternoons and evenings.
Times: 3.40-5.00pm, 5.40-7.00pm, 8.10-9.30 (or 10.00pm for certain weekly events).
These include sports, art, crafts, drama, music and dance.
Students aged 13 years and older can leave the session early.
Students aged 12 years and younger cannot leave the session early.
What is ‘Restricted’ Free-Time?
This is only for students aged 13 years and older.
These students can choose Free-Time when they choose not to join an Activity.
1 full session per day is the maximum.
But they also can have Free-Time when they leave an Activity early.
How is it ‘restricted’ and organised?
Students can only: go to the activity centre, shop, office, house, gardens, or watch organised Activities.
They cannot go off-campus. The map shows the areas that are restricted.
House Managers patrol the campus, gardens, fields, and supervise every house, every afternoon and evening. A professional security guard patrols the campus during the evenings and nights.
Registering students’ names and Activity choice
Registering their name and Activity is compulsory for all students.
Students must meet in the Quad / Garden 15 minutes before Activities begin.
Times: 3.30pm, 5.30pm, 8.00pm.
Students must register their name with their MC Group Staff.
And when they register their name they also must tell their choice of Activity to the MC Group Staff.
Students go to the Activity staff and they must register their name again with the Activity staff.
ID cards and lanyards might be used to check the students’ names quickly. Students must carry these all the time.
Joining Activities
Students aged 13 years and older:
must join 2 organised Activities per day.
can have 1 Free-Time session per day.
can leave the Activities early.
On Excursion days there is only 1 session, in the evening. They can have Free-Time.
Students aged 12 years and younger:
must join an organised Activity every session.
must stay for the full session.
cannot leave the Activities early.
Joining an Activity late
Students aged 13 years and older ONLY:
Students can join an Activity late.
They must tell the Activity Staff their name.
Reasons for this include: they chose Free-Time but changed their plans, have finished a shorter activity session (eg. 45minute swimming session), needed to return to their house, to get suitable equipment/clothes, to meet their Group Leader, to contact their parents etc.
Staying until the end or leaving an Activity early
Students aged 13 years and older ONLY:
Students can leave their Activity early.
They must tell the Activity Staff their name.
Then they can have Free-Time, following the guidelines above.
Reasons for this include: they do not like the activity, cannot do the activity, do not have the suitable equipment/clothes, have chosen a short activity session that starts later (eg. 45minute swimming session), the weather has changed, or they need food/drink/medicine, need to return to their house, to meet their Group Leader, to contact their parents etc.
This is restricted. They can only: go to the activity centre, internet room, shop, office, house or gardens, or watch the organised Activities.
Students aged 12 years and younger:
Students cannot leave an Activity early.
They must stay until the end of the Activity session. Some evening sessions finish early (at 9pm) for younger students if they want to go to bed.
They cannot choose any unsupervised restricted Free-Time.
We encourage them to take part in the full Activity programme.
Choosing ‘restricted’ Free-Time
Students aged 13 years and older ONLY:
Students can choose 1 Free-Time session each day as their choice of Activity.
They must register their name again with House Managers/Staff when they start Free-Time and leave the registration point (Quad / Garden).
Students aged 12 years and younger:
Students cannot take any Free-Time.
Regarding our Other Courses
Performing Arts Course
The above does not apply to students on this Course. Every morning, afternoon and evening session is structured and supervised.
Family Course
There may be rules governing activities which younger students can join. Parents should supervise their younger children.
Off-Campus Permission
Students can only leave campus under these specific circumstances –
On excursions – students are accompanied by staff but will be given unsupervised Free-Time for shopping of approximately 1 hour periods. Students aged 12 years and younger will not be given unsupervised Free-Time, they will stay with MC Staff. If Parents / Guardians disagree with this policy they must inform the Directors in writing. Some extra excursions may be organised for students aged 15 and older.
During a normal day – only if the Directors have permission from parents/guardians in writing and only for a special occasion/reason. In circumstances when a student goes to the doctors or hospital with MC Staff, we will not request permission.
Overnight – only if the Directors have permission from Parents/Guardians in writing and only for a special occasion/reason. In emergencies when a student stays at hospital with MC Staff, we will not request permission.
Regarding our Other Courses
Family Course – There are different circumstances and rules for going off-campus.
Attendance & Absences in Lessons – Policy & Procedures
Students must attend every Lesson. Students must be punctual and arrive on time.
Teachers check attendance in every class ( 2 or 3 times per day).
Teachers report absences 5 minutes after each Lesson has begun.
If a student is not in class, their name is recorded on an ‘Absence Report’.
If the student is ill, the First Aider must assess their health.
If a student arrives at Lessons later than 5 minutes they will already be considered absent.
Every occasion that a student is late or absent is recorded. Lateness/absence is also reported in their Progress Report.
Generally, students who do not attend 80% of their Lessons without any good reason, will not receive a Certificate of Attendance.
Regarding our Other Courses
The above also refers to the lessons and sessions on the Performing Arts Course.
Arriving at Hurst College- London Airports/International Train Stations & Transfers to College
There is a Return Transfer charge for this service. It is not included in the fees.
Please inform us as soon as possible of the following details for both the arrival and return flights:
Flight number; Dates; Times; Airport (departing from & arriving to); Terminal (departing from & arriving to).
Some students from countries may need a letter of Consent to Travel when they enter UK. Parents/Guardians must check if they need this.
If the student is flying as an Unaccompanied Minor with the airline company parents/guardians must inform us because this incurs extra waiting-time costs. Please call the MC office to check fees.
Parents/Guardians can make their own travel arrangements and do not need to use the below procedure. If so, please inform us of your estimated time of arrival at and departure from Hurst College.
Arriving procedure:
Students collect baggage and go through customs.
MC Representatives wait to meet all students at the arrival gate.
MC Representatives display a Manor Courses/Hurst College sign with the students’ name.
MC Representatives wear Manor Courses identity.
If the MC Representative is not at the meeting place (arrival gate), the student must remain there and wait.
Always call +44 (0)7973 131 982 or +44 (0)7703 345 977 or +44 (0)1273 836 958 if there is a problem.
Departing from Hurst College- Return Journey & Transfers to Airport
There is a Return Transfer charge for this service. It is not included in the fees.
MC Representatives escort students to the airport, assist with check-in and take them to passport control.
Student Photos / Video & Social Media Policy & Copyright
Parents and Students are asked for their Consent in the following. Students are asked on paper or with an online form after they Check-in at Hurst with a tick box.
According to our Privacy Notice, part of our wider Data Protection Policy, and the Consent Form, Parents and Students can contact Manor Courses to withdraw their Consent or amend, update, erase or stop us using any data we have, including images.
Why – Manor Courses take photos/videos of students to use for: identification; promotional purposes; archive purposes; staff training; records of students’ participation and achievement; promote the upcoming activity programme to current students while at Hurst.
Where – They may appear in: register of attendances for houses and excursions (by staff only, not public); Manor Courses’ website or blogs; any Manor Courses social media profiles/posts, including Facebook/Instagram/Twitter/X/TikTok accounts; any website and social media posts/profiles of our agents (or industry bodies that we are a member of); Manor Courses company printed brochure/posters; any printed brochures/magazines/catalogues/posters of any of our agents (or industry bodies that we are a member of).
Storage – We collect all photos/videos taken by our official photographers, and any others taken by staff. We store them: on the Directors’ office computers; on the Directors’ storage devices; on online storage facilities/drives accessed by the photographers, Line Managers and Directors.
Who – We have a few designated official photographers.
When – When possible they will notify students that they are taking photos/videos. They may not always ask Consent from the student at the time of taking. We use the photos/videos without any further specific prior notification to students or parents/guardians.
Consent – If Parents / Guardians disagree with this policy, or want to change their Consent response, they must inform the Directors in writing.
Students can also inform the photographer if they do not want to appear in videos/photos or want anything deleted. They have the right to change their mind at any time.
Data Protection & Personal Information
We will only use your personal information as set out in our Privacy Notice.
On arrival, we will collect the parents’/guardians’ contact details for every student.
We keep these and other student details on computer-based administrative systems and paper copies.
Rules & Conduct
All students must read, understand and comply with these rules and any others given by Manor Courses. They must use a dictionary if they do not understand.
Students are responsible for any damage they cause to the property of other students, staff, Hurst College or Manor Courses during their stay.
It is the obligation of the parents/guardians to ensure that any damage to third party property is insured by the student.
It is the responsibility of the parents/guardians to check UK laws and import/export regulations and inform the student.
It is the responsibility of the Parent /Guardian to show each student the following rules:-
8 Safety Rules
Note – Staff = your teachers, leaders, house staff, directors, first aiders, security.
Students must …
Students must go to all lessons, registrations, activities and meetings early. Please use an alarm.
Students must carry the identity (ID) card and lanyard for the various registration systems in houses or activities.
Students must stay in the central campus area on the map.
Students must cross the roads carefully. Please use the 2 safe crossing places.
Students must not …
Students must not have or use alcohol, tobacco, E-cigarettes or drugs.
Students must not damage or take other students’ or college property.
Students must not fight, threaten violence, bully or say bad words to other students.
Students must not enter classrooms or activity areas without a staff.
8 House Rules
Note – The campus map shows red lines. Please do not enter the red areas.
Students must …
Students must register your name when staff ask.
Students must listen to staff. Be quiet when they speak.
Students must keep the room, house and college clean, safe and calm.
Students must keep money and valuables safe. Please use the office bank or lock it in your suitcase.
Students must not …
Students must not damage or play with fire alarms and fire detectors.
Students must not leave the house after 10pm. Do not escape.
Students must not enter another student’s bedroom. Please ask their permission.
Students must not enter houses of opposite genders. Boys cannot enter girls’ houses. Girls cannot enter boys’ houses.
8 Excursion Rules
Note – If students are 13 or older they can have some Free-Time.
Students must …
Students must wear the information card with map around your neck.
Students must stay in groups of minimum 3 students all the time. Please never be alone.
Students must be careful of strangers.
Students must be careful at road crossings. Please stop, look right and left, listen, look again. Then you can cross.
Students must not…
Students must not be late for meeting the group.
Students must not go off the area on the map.
Students must not leave the staff if you are 12 years old or younger.
Students must not buy alcohol, tobacco, E-cigarettes, drugs, DVDs or games with age restrictions.
8 Activity & Free-Time Rules
Note – If students are 13 or older and do not want to join an activity, they have only 1 session to relax per day. If they are 12 or younger they must join activities. Other rules also apply for certain activity choices and starting/finishing times that may be different for younger or older age-groups.
Students must …
Students must register your name with your MC Group Staff.
Students must choose an activity and tell your MC Group Staff your choice. Please get permission from your Group Leader if you choose Free-Time.
Students must register again with the staff for the activity you choose or for Free-Time.
If students do not join an activity, you must choose to go to A) house, B) shop/office, C) internet room, D) gardens, E) watch activities.
Students must not…
Students must not leave the meeting point before you register your name.
Students must not misbehave or disturb other students or the staff.
Students must not finish an activity early before you tell the staff your name.
Students must not relax for 2 or 3 Free-Time sessions in 1 day.
8 Lesson Rules
Note – Teachers will explain the rules of each class at the start of the course.
Students must …
Students must attend every lesson. Please be ready early.
Students must tell staff if you cannot go to lessons.
Students must turn off phones or give them to the teacher.
Students must behave in the class building before, during and after lessons.
Students must not…
Students must not use your first language. You can use it only for translations or emergencies.
Students must not be late for the start of lessons.
Students must not leave the classroom. You can leave only for toilet or emergencies.
Students must not disturb other students from learning.
Regarding our Other Courses
Performing Arts Course
Some of the above does apply to students on this Course. Lesson Rules apply to all sessions. Activity & Free-Time Rules do not apply to sessions.
Family Course
The above Rules are not for adult students or their children when the parent accompanies them.
The Directors will judge when a student has broken the rules and will take seriously any act that has a damaging/serious/negative impact on: their own personal health and safety; the health and safety of other students or staff; the timetable/schedule; Manor Courses property; Hurst College property; or staff carrying out their duties.
The punishment will depend on the seriousness of the behaviour. Here are some punishments the Directors may use:
Ask the student to help MC staff;
Tell the student to miss one or more activity session or excursion, and remain supervised by MC Staff;
Change the student’s bedroom or residential house;
Withhold the student’s Attendance Certificate;
Contact the parents/guardians or agent;
Ask the parents/guardians or agent to pay for damages;
Send (expel, repatriate) the student home;
Contact the police.
Damage – our advice to parents/guardians/agents/students:
All damage should be reported to MC Staff or the Directors as soon as possible.
Students will be charged for wilful damage.
Students will not be penalised or charged for accidental damage.
Serious offences, Serious punishments – Manor Courses reserve the right (without either a verbal or written warning) to ask any student to leave the summer school who:
Disrupts the harmonious running of the summer school;
Continues to break our rules;
Commits a serious offence (including violence, harm, sexual offences, theft, smoking in boarding houses, possession, purchase or consumption of alcohol or illegal drugs);
Breaks a UK law, committed a crime or involved the Police;
Damages property wilfully;
Is violent to other students;
Bullies other students.
Sending a student home – Manor Courses, without either a verbal or written warning, will:
Investigate the circumstances;
Make arrangements for the student to go somewhere else or be collected;
Try to rearrange the student’s flight to an earlier departure;
Request the parents/guardians to pay the cost, or request them to reimburse Manor Courses for the cost afterwards;
Inform the parents/guardians of the new flight details;
Send a representative to escort the student to the airport and assist the student with check-in.
Damage – our advice to parents/guardians/agents/students:
All damage should be reported to the Directors as soon as possible.
MC will charge students for wilful damage.
MC will not charge or penalise students for accidental damage.
Complaints Procedure (for parents/guardians)
If you are not satisfied or not happy with our service, you can complain. We have the following procedure:
Students must:
Make sure they can speak to somebody in their language.
Speak to Parents / Guardians / Group Leaders when they first have a problem. Do this soon. Do not wait.
Go to the Office as soon as possible.
Speak to the Directors or Office or Welfare Manager.
Say – “can I speak to the Directors ” – or – “can I have a Complaint Form please. “
Write about the problem on the Complaint Form. It is possible to ask somebody to help.
Give it to the Directors when they finish – or – ask somebody in the office to give it to them.
Say – “please give this to the Directors” + “please make a copy of this Complaints Form for me to keep.”
Manor Courses:
Will make an appointment to talk about the problem within 24hrs.
Will investigate the problem before the appointment.
If the student is not happy with our response we will try to investigate more.
We cannot investigate complaints before students write a Complaint Form.
It may not be possible to investigate old problems.
Parents / Guardians / Agents can:
Email the Directors at any time info@manorcourses.co.uk.
It is also possible to complain after summer.
When the student gets home we can email a Complaint Form within 1 month.
But it may not be possible to investigate old problems.
If the student is still unhappy with our response within 6 months, it is possible to contact English UK
Alternative Dispute Resolution
Alternative dispute resolution is a process where an independent body considers the facts of a dispute and seeks to resolve it, without you having to go to court. If you are not happy with how we have handled any complaint, please note that disputes may be submitted for online resolution to the European Commission Online Dispute Resolution platform.
Other Extra Services for Students who enrol directly
We do also offer other services that are not included in our Residential English Language Course.
These services are still bound by the Terms and Conditions above.
Extra Services – The following services are applicable as additional services only for students enrolled on our Residential English Language Course, and are subject to availability:
Private English Tuition (one-to-one);
Horse Riding;
Tennis Coaching;
Return Transfers to Airports;
Chaperone service between Nice airport and Gatwick airport.
Non-Residential Options – There are also Options for students who have independently arranged accommodation off campus. Please enquire by email.
Family Courses – Parents/Families who have enrolled children on our Residential English Language Course, or adult students who have previously studied at MC while they were a child, can also use the following 2 Family Course services:
English Tuition for Parents. Private tuition (one-to-one). Accommodation is either off-campus or on-campus;
English Tuition for Younger or Older Bothers/Sisters. Private tuition (one-to-one) for students aged under 8 or above 17 can be arranged. Accommodation options for students under 8 include off-campus (staying with the students’ family/guardian at a hotel for example), or can be provided on-campus (if Manor Courses or the family/guardian organise extra supervision/support). Accommodation for students above 17 is either off-campus or on-campus (separate from the other younger students). Adults and younger children can choose to have Private Tuition or not.
Note: Parents’ or older siblings’ accommodation on-campus is subject to a police letter of good conduct supplied from their home country.
After Summer – We can also advise parents/guardians about Year-Round Study after summer in a UK college or school and enrol you with one of our partners who can consult and assist in applying for UK Universities.
Other Important Terms
Jurisdiction Clause –
These terms are governed by English law and parents/guardians/students can bring legal proceedings in respect of the services we supply in the English courts.
Third Party Rights –
Nobody else has any rights under this contract. This contract is between parents/guardians/students and MC. No other person shall have any rights to enforce any of its Terms. Neither of us will need to get the agreement of any other person in order to end the contract or make any changes to these Terms and Conditions.
Severance –
If a court finds part of this contract illegal, the rest will continue in force. Each of the paragraphs of these Terms operates separately. If any court or relevant authority decides that any of them are unlawful, the remaining paragraphs will remain in full force and effect.
Variation –
In order to provide our Courses to the highest service-levels, we reserve the right to make minor changes to the Courses without notifying parents/guardians/students in advance. If major amendments are required to the Courses, we will notify in writing.
Force Majeure –
We are not responsible for delays outside our control. If our provision of the Courses is delayed by an event outside our control then we will contact parents/guardians/students as soon as possible and we will take steps to minimise the effect of the delay. Provided we do this we will not be liable for delays caused by the event, but if there is a risk of substantial delay you may contact us to end the contract and receive a refund for any Courses paid for but not received.
Model Cancellation Form
(Print this section and complete and return this form only if you wish to cancel your booking within 14 days of paying your Deposit)
To Manor Courses, 67 Warren Way, Brighton, BN2 6PH, ENGLAND
Email: info@manorcourses.co.uk
I hereby give notice that I cancel my contract for the supply of the following Course:
Date you made Booking / Enrolment:
Dates of the Course:
Name of Student:
Date of Birth of Student:
Name of Parents/Guardians:
Address of Parents/Guardians:
Signature of Parents/Guardians: